SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Everyday Carry Hank Worth Carrying

A handkerchief also known as a “Hank” has renewed an old tradition of a man’s everyday carry option. I remember my grandfather would never be found without a hank in his pocket. A tradition passed down to my dad and at one point attempted to be passed down to me. I have numerous white hanker chiefs buried in my sock drawer. Usually, they only see the light of day on weddings or funerals where tears likely would be shed. Over the past few years, I started carrying bandannas instead of a hank for everyday use. That is until I was introduced to a real hank, now the bandannas will get lost in the drawer as well. Men, in general, are messy humans; we need hanks to manage our daily lives. Whether it be for a bloody, I mean a runny nose, or perhaps to wipe the wing sauce out of our beards or the grease off our hands. We usually need a way to clean ourselves on a regular basis and at times even the slobber of our best friend, our dogs. Recently I was introduced to handmade hanks that take everyday carry to a whole new level. Instead of a thin bandanna that gets dirty easily, these hanks are durable, double-sided and stylish. Even if the hank remains clean all day, it provides a perfect place for the end of the day pocket dump. I sometimes shy away because I don’t want to be too ‘showy-offy’ but the older I get I think, ‘You […]

When Will You Go “Tell Someone?”

We are all called to be the hands and feet of Jesus; we are called to be disciples. We are commissioned to tell someone and share the good news. So when will you tell someone? This is the question that author and world-renowned pastor Greg Laurie addressed in his recently released book “Tell Someone, You Can Share the Good News.” (Please note, affiliate links follow. Your support is greatly appreciated!) I have been longing for a way to share the gospel with others. Discipleship in and of itself it something that many churches preach on. Yet they never break it down on the ‘how” or better yet the “why.” In this book by Greg, he breaks down the barriers by sharing his personal experiences. Experiences that were both from his successes and failures. He examines these events and aligns them with biblical teachings that anyone can use in their daily life. I found myself being able to relate to Greg’s story, his failures and upbringing were ones I could relate to personally. He walks us through his childhood, his story where he was not supposed to amount too much or perhaps even be. He shares stories with humor and raw honesty that anyone of any faith could relate to in their own lives. The author dives into how sharing begins with caring for your fellow man, not just in your family or neighborhood but everywhere. He talks about how when he first was introduced to Christ. He like many people tried to hide his new-found way of living. He ran […]

30-day Worth & Wellness Journal (Review)

Do you like what you see in the mirror in the morning? What if there was wellness journal to find a better you in 30 days, would you use it? Don’t worry this is not a fad diet or some magical pill, we all know those don’t work. There is a way, however that you can change the mindset that has likely holding you back from your true self. The way is here it is the Worth & Wellness Journal: 30 Days to a Healthier you by Amy Latta. 30-day Worth & Wellness Journal combines exercise and diet in a new way that is simple and achievable. No one likes to go to the gym and feel intimidated by their own insecurities. To avoid that feeling, we choose the couch over the gym. Amy takes you through a 30-day journey to a healthier new you, healthier both physically and emotionally. Self-worth is many times a bigger barrier than any dumbbell or jock at the gym. In making small strides each day, we can begin to grow and improve. This journal provides practical nutrition, fitness, and self-care tips for better wellness, and daily writing prompts to help you become more aware of the thoughts and feelings affecting your mindset. Each day Amy’s 30-day Worth & Wellness Journal walks you through the Nutrition, Fitness, Self-Care, and most of all Self-worth. She included on each page an area for mind mapping and a little brainstorming for the topics of the day. By taking each day one at a time and […]