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MAN UP! God’s Way for Real Men

Men have daily struggles we face but don’t talk about. Many of us believe that we are in our battles alone.

These challenges can be a mix bag. Challenges like money, self-esteem, pornography, anger, addictions. They may be called different things, yet in the end are just the devil incognito.

In today’s technology savvy world there seems to be an app for almost anything. One app that I have on my Samsung Galaxy that I would not want to go without is the MAN UP! God’s Way app.Man Up God's Way

The MAN UP app is guy centric. It is an app for real men. Men that want to be challenged. This is not an app for the weak-hearted. It is the one made for men that want to face life head on.

If you want to share your story with other men, the Man Up app is for you. Maybe you are struggling and need some real non sugar-coated advice, MAN UP! is for you. Perhaps your prayer life has weakened or your moral character gone astray. Download the Man Up app and join the community of broken men.

Man Up was founded by Jody Burkeen with the idea to change the way Christian men “do” Christianity.  Through this ministry not only has the app evolved, so has the  Man Up! Becoming a Godly Man in an Ungodly World book, the journal, the clothing line and more. All of these things have one purpose in mind, to unsissify the men that are leading the spiritual walk.

MAN UP! Mission Statement:

MAN UP! Gods Way is dedicated to changing the way Christian men live and act. We want to change Christian men from being complacent, lazy and disobedient to Gods word. With Jesus Christ as our example, we will strive to teach men to be more Christ-like every day.

In empowering men to take a personal responsibility in their own spiritual grown, in turn they can change the world. Personally I have been using the app on my phone for a little over a year now. It is nice to have a place where men can share. Don’t get me wrong we don’t sit around drinking tea and eating crumpets. They sharpen each other through real talk, with a suck it up and man up mentality.

The app itself is has some pretty straightforward navigation.  There is the resources, which combine articles, blog posts and real life testimonials to read. There is the challenge section, where each week there is a new challenge for men to earn some cool points should you choose to accept. Hurdles are next, we all have them, here you can face them with your brothers at your side.

The Man Up! app also has a place for war groups where men can join forces with a like-minded purpose. In providing a safe place where men can face the challenges of this world together. The MAN UP! app has become a go to resource for my spiritual walk. You can download the app from either iTunes or the Android app store (Google or Amazon). The app can be used anonymously if you so choose to allow for privacy among the men. Or you can create a profile, earn points for MAN UP! swag by completing challenges, resources or accepting challenges.

MAN UP! would not be the powerful manly resource that it is without the incredible partnerships it has forged. By partnering with the likes of Manturity, Fearless Men and Renewed Strength International, along with others Man Up! has become the one resource every man needs. We need more men that are willing to stand up a for the Christian heart. Arm yourselves with the armor of God, the sword of the Holy Spirit and the Man Up! app in your pocket. With all of these tools we can take back the weakened hearts of men everywhere.

“The Man Up God’s Way app is an environment on your mobile device that will enable you to learn, grow, be challenged, confess, and solve problems together with other men while also engaging in adventure – all inside one mobile environment.” Isn’t it time you downloaded your own MAN UP! app today?

Now its your turn: Is there an  app on your phone that you turn to regularly to increase your spiritual walk? Comment below and share with others, together we can grow stronger in our faith.



About Charles Johnston

Charles is a Christian, husband and father of fur-kids who shares his walk with others in hopes to help other's along the way.

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