SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Have We Forgotten How to Forgive?

Fourteen years ago our country was brought to its knees by terrorist. Since then many have forgotten how to forgive. Every anniversary we see mantras about ‘we will never forget.’ Anyone that was old enough to understand then never will. Yet fourteen years later our country again is being brought to its knees. Internal discontent has formed such animosity towards each other. No longer do we need to fear al qaeda so much as we fear our own brothers and sisters. A string of unfortunate circumstances has sprung a leak of hate that is infesting our nation. As Christians we struggle to remain prayerfully hopeful. Jesus gave us a prescription for our lives that can be a bitter pill. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Did you hear that? Read it again “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Those five simple words can be difficult to comprehend. How do you love your neighbor that molest children? How can you love your neighbors that rape, kill and pillage? Those whose lives matter and yet they call for an all out war on those that serve and protect? Loving your neighbor as yourself,  means loving those that shoot up college campuses or movie theaters. Loving would be forgiving those that took down the towers. Loving means forgiving, not necessarily forgetting. The day after this fourteenth anniversary of 9/11, I will be on a plane to Haiti. Answering the call to serve the forgotten. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.” He sent his […]

Nine Ways to Not Suck as a Husband

Nine years ago today my life was changed forever in ways I never imagined. In order to put things into perspective, nine years ago today I was still a mess of a man. That day I married my best friend who in turn has attempted to clean the mess she married. Over the past nine years I have spent repairing the damage of the years prior to becoming a husband. My wife unknowingly has taught me lessons on being a man, better yet being a better man and husband that I thought I would share. A good husband is never the first to go to sleep at night or the last to awake in the morning. -Honore de Balzac Click To Tweet You see women in general believe when they marry a man they will be able to fix all that’s broken. Sometimes this is true, sometimes it will be a long journey similar to that of the Trail of Tears. “God created marriage. No government subcommittee envisioned it. No social organization developed it. Marriage was conceived and born in the mind of God.”  ~ Max Lucado  Men meanwhile think that if they get married they can continue to be a kid just with bigger and better toys. This is probably what I thought nine years ago. Little did I know I needed fixing, better yet that I wanted to be fixed. 9 ways to Not Suck as a Husband Be Emotionally available – yes guys this means share your feelings and communicate with your spouse. You will be surprised how […]