SecondIron's Blog

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Finding the Root of Passion

We all strive in finding the root of passion find that passion or zeal in our own lives.
When you talk to someone with a dream, they usually tell it with passion. If you come across someone with a gift they like to share, they are considered passionate.
Did you know that the Latin root of passion is patis, which means suffering. Why on earth would passion and suffering be related? Then again the Passion of Christ was the largest suffering anyone could encounter.
Think of this week, the week we call Holy week. On Palm Sunday you likely heard the story called the Passion. There are performances and movies that depict the passion of Jesus. He truly did suffer and humble himself to become man, take on our sins and be crucified for us. Out of passion?
When we give of ourselves for others. Chase a dream through sleepless nights. Humbly serve our brethren. We too find our passion. It is through our dying unto ourselves that others may live.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion,
some compassion, some humor, and some style. ~ Maya Angelou
People in hospitals are called patients, also the root is patis , and they are those who are also suffering. When we show signs of patience we suffer in silence for others. All these have the same root but numerous meanings. The patience it takes as we chase down our passion in turn can bring

Shift Your Brilliance – A Book Review

Motivational speaker, award-winning and all around Brillionaire Simon T. Bailey takes his readers through the seven action steps to “ shift ” their brilliance. The seven action steps to shift your brilliance are detailed in simple relatable steps that anyone can put into gear and ‘Harness the Power of You, INC.’ Who is Simon T. Bailey? A bestselling author of 7 books, Simon T. Bailey’s breakout masterpiece, Release Your Brilliance, published by Harper Collins, was ranked number 17 of the Top 100 books being read by Corporate America, according to His highly anticipated new book, Shift Your Brilliance – Harness the Power of You, Inc., invites readers to shift their thinking, creating a disruption from the norm that ignites creativity, drives productivity and increases accountability.                                 – courtesy of  The first time I was introduced to Simon T. Bailey was a few years back when I attended an event in Orlando, Florida. This event was  for a network marketing company I had gotten involved with and Simon was one of their guest speakers. I personally became an instant fan of Simon after hearing him speak.  I also made sure to go out of my way to shake his hand and thank him after the event for being such a dynamic speaker and inspiration. Since then I bought and read his book  Release Your Brilliance and now his follow-up book Shift Your Brilliance: Harness The Power Of You, INC. When you know what motivates […]

New Release The Carpenter (A Book Review)

Best selling author Jon Gordon returns with his latest book The Carpenter: A Story About the Greatest Success Strategies of All that is bound to inspired readers and audiences around the world.  Jon has been a consultant for  numerous NFL, NBA, MLB coaches and teams, Fortune 500 companies, school districts, hospitals and non-profits.  He has nine previous books many of which are best sellers and his tenth book The Carpenter is sure to follow in the same path. From the author of The Energy Bus and The No Complaining Rule comes another heartfelt leadership story we can all learn from and relate to.  In The Carpenter, Jon takes us on a journey with the main character Michael who wakes up in a hospital bed bandaged up on the outside burdened with fear and a heavy heart on the inside. Like many people who try to take on the world and build a business on their own, the stress and anxiety finely got the best of Michael on his morning jog. Fortunately as Michael tumbles to the ground collapsing with he is seen by a stranger who comes to aid and possibly saves his life.  His doctor stresses that he needs to slow down and take it easy for a while. Remember, life gives us warnings for a reason. Learn from this. Do things differently. Click To Tweet As Michael tries to heed the doctors warnings and his wife’s pleads to take it easy he begins to go stir crazy.  While sitting in front of the TV one day he […]