SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Ashes, Abstinence, Fasting and Penance

Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Lenten season marking the beginning of a 40 day journey of Ashes, Abstinence, Fasting and Penance.

Many Christians are under the belief that these 40 days are a new diet. They give up chocolate, sweets, caffeine and more. It is really not the time to join Weight Watchers. This is not a make up period for your broken New Year’s resolutions. Rather than concerning ourselves with simple atonement that others might notice. Better we do penance for our sins than continue breaking God’s heart.

“Wherever you are in the spiritual life, Jesus Christ wants to encounter you right there and take you further…” ~ Steve Bollman

If we spend these 40 days in reflection and prayer.

Take time each day to investigate our own hearts.
Start a conversation with your Heavenly Father.
Focus on forgiveness, not only of others but your own.
We are all broken sinners that by God’s Grace and healing we can be made new. Beginning a path to spiritual newness and donning the armor of our faith. We can begin to live a life of sacrificial service and fortitude. As men we are challenged by temptations throughout our life. Lent is a prime opportunity to wage war against the three main temptations.

The Temptation of the Flesh – sins like pride, greed, lust, anger, envy, sloth and gluttony (Deadly Sins)
The Temptation of the World – pursuits of the material world through power and prestige and ‘to rule over others’.
The Temptation of the Devil – outlets like the media, movies, t.v. and more that work hard to persuade us to live without the presence of God.

Have You Won the Faith Versus Fate Battle

As Christians, we are raised in the Church to believe in Faith Versus Fate. This belief in a Higher power can sometimes be a battle. Many of us go through life believing in coincidences and destiny. They call their life plan, their spouse,  even their dream job..FATE. This creates a constant internal battle of faith versus fate. FATE defined as “the development of events beyond a person’s control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.” Hmm that really sounds familiar to what we Christians believe… FAITH … “makes us certain of realities we do not see” ~ Heb 11:1 Seems to me very similar in definition. And yet we are quick to declare something was of fate rather than giving God the glory in our faith. I spent many years blindly going through life thinking “everything happens for a reason.” I would be so focused on my own fated plan that I ignored His plan. Allowing others’ opinions of me interfere with my own believing. Fate beat out faith every time in my reasoning for quite some time. “There is an appointed time for everything,     and a time for every affair under the heavens.” ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 Raised in the shadows of an older brother. It was common to be compared to him (not the best example). I grew up believing that it was my fate or destiny to fail. Hearing words of discouragement and comparison spoken into you at a young age can change the way you see yourself. This self-doubt caused me to depend on fate versus faith. The […]

10 Ways in Becoming a Christian Man

As a man or should I say as a male we have this vision of adulthood. We believe there is a coming of age when we become a man. Believe it or not there is not a right of passage that makes us into a Christian man. There are things we can do as Christian males that can expedite our journey into being a man. Sure you can always go slay a giant like David did to become a man. Then again did he really become a man? With the infidelity and acting like a child after the battle that is hard to define. Fortunately we are not bound to customs like some other countries in the journey to manhood. You could always have to do a walkabout for 6 months as an Aborigine. Better yet you could be subjected to bloodletting or scarring to become a man. However many boys believe that to become a man all that requires is to be able to shoot a gun. Maybe to be a man it is to add another notch to the ragged head-board. So many boys believe they become men through one conquest or another. As a Christian man it is much easier or maybe better yet more difficult to become a man. Rather than proving ourselves through pain or adolescent games and behavior. To become a Christian man involves greater yet worthy sacrifice. This does not come by age or lineage but by behavior and character. Here are a few steps men or should I […]