8 Ways Christians Make Good Leaders
What does being a ‘Christian Leader’ really mean? Does it mean that your values and honor are above reproach? Or maybe you just take the caring route to leadership and therefore that makes you soft. Being a Christian in a leadership role comes with its own sets often challenges that many might never realize. Here is why being a Christian in the workplace can be so difficult. We will be forced into uncomfortable situations that will challenge our own morals and values. The water cooler conversations will go silent when you walk in the room, the level of discomfort and awkwardness can be painful. Depending on how transparent you are with your faith, co-workers will avoid you like the plague, not because they don’t like you, they just don’t want to associate with the Christian. Unless you work for Chik-fil-a, a Christian bookstore, Hobby Lobby or another known Christian company your cross will become heavy to carry to work everyday. Here are some ways that everyone will know you are a Christian Leader in the workplace Recognizes and applauds the values of others – Many leaders will commend a job well done or great teamwork. A Christian will not only give credit where it is due, they will also invest in building the person up. They will publicly acknowledge the sacrifices of others and honestly give the accolades deserved to the individual or team. Has above average character – whether work is busy or slow the leader remains to the job. They believe in honesty […]