SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Four Parts of Leadership and the Games We Play

As men we have been given the task at birth to be great leaders of our time. Granted that sounds pretty daunting but in a manner of speaking it is true.  As men we are molded from a young age to have proper leadership skills to take through life.  Do you really think G.I. Joes, the game Clue, Magic 8-balls, Lego’s, Lincoln Logs and Monopoly had no bearing on the type of person you would become? All of these things as well as cub scouts, boy scouts, summer camps, team sports continued to mold our adolescence into our years as men and as leaders.  Using knot tying skills and archery to provide the foundation to decision-making and goal driven leadership. There are four components that make up LEAD in leadership, all of which are vital to success as a leader. Leadership – take ownership and lead both in our homes, at our church and within the community including at our workplace exemplifying the moral character of leaders of past.  Take lessons from the likes of John Wayne or Charlton Heston as to what a man should be.  Lead with integrity, passion and raw courage every day of our lives. Use the skills of developed in reading Marvel and D.C. Comics, there was always a hero that lead . “All battles are fought by scared men who’d rather be some place else.” – John Wayne Click To Tweet Evaluate – always be prepared to take a step back and evaluate, reorganize and re-engage.  As men we are generally thinkers […]