SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Faith at Work in Progress

  Is it a challenge to be a Christian in the workplace? Many people hide their faith and beliefs at work as they are terrified of being ostracized, picked on or possibly even fired.  Why should we be ashamed of the one thing that gets many of us through the day? Now I am not saying that we need to be Bible beating witnesses that preach to our co-workers and have a crucifix on our desk.  We all need to be sensitive to the religion and beliefs of others that may differ than ours.  I am sure it would probably bother you if someone adorned their desk with fish, peace signs and Stars of David as well. However, our actions can be a reflection of our faith even if our cross is hidden beneath the collar of our shirt. Personally, I have found if you treat others with humble generosity, and are polite and polite, faith will shine through.  Whether it is through simple gestures that many associate with being chivalrous such as opening doors for others, waiting for others to enter or exit a room or elevator.  Maybe you quietly bow your head and bless your food before you eat in the cafeteria, a potluck even when you eat alone at your desk. You know what you believe and you can be the mirror that shines and brightens someone else’s day without saying a word.  Do you say ‘Bless you’ if a co-worker sneezes?  What if they are an atheist do you still bless them?  Of […]