Why Not Try On a Pair of Jesus’ Glasses
In a world full of judgement and ridicule why not try on a pair of Jesus’ glasses? Lately, I have been overcome by the way we are treating one another. My heart breaks for not only the widows and orphans but the belittled and rebuked. These people sit in the pews of our churches on Sunday mornings, yet we judge them. They dare listen to music produced by people of a different denomination than yours. They are the ones read books written by ‘Christian’ authors, but because that author is not the same religion, they are scorned. These are the people who speak up and share their experiences that came from outside the church walls, and, in turn, are dismissed as if their experience was not valid. Since when did it become okay to turn against other believers? Click To Tweet I have witnessed with my eyes people behind looked past because of their social class, or they are not good enough to recognize. Even with people who behave as friends outside of the church walls, but act as strangers if someone of stature is around. Who are we to say one Christian religion is better than another? Who are we to look down on our sisters and brothers? We should be thankful for those people who want to pour into the word of Jesus. Regardless of what ‘version’ of the Bible, they want to read. I am pretty sure no matter the version they all have the same author. “Who are you to judge your neighbor?” James […]