SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

10 Things Learned While in Haiti on Mission

Haiti children

The last few posts have chronicled the journey both physically and emotionally that I recently took to Haiti. While in Canaan, Haiti there were some takeaways that anyone going or thinking about going on a mission trip should consider. These are lessons that I wish someone had shared with me in detail before stepping on the plane. Mission work is for everyone – Whether you do work over seas or at home, we can all benefit from mission work. You not only help those you go to serve but in turn they help you become the person you were designed to be. You will never be the same – as cliché as that sounds it’s true. You will see and do things that will change you. You will have your heart-broken and rebuilt in a new way. The pure innocent joy through those you meet will change your mind and heart. The one that is served is you – sure you went there to make a difference. Maybe it was to build a school, share some clothes or food. Perhaps it was even the gospel,  whatever your purpose you will come away more blessed than you could ever provide to them. The children of Haiti only wanted to know that we cared. They are not as unhappy as you may think. – Just because they don’t have what you have. It doesn’t make them less, in fact it makes them more. They find pure happiness even in the simple things we all take for granted.  You will […]