SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Angels Do Walk Among Us, This I Have Seen

Ever hear that voice in your ear that tells you to “slow down?” What about the one that whispers “not now?” Or the one where words come out of your mouth but you don’t know where they came from, yet they were beautifully perfect at that moment? It is in these moments that I believe angels do walk among us.   Many would like to believe that when our loved ones leave us that they look down on us from heaven. Holding onto the memories of their earthly bodies, as they dance in the ethereal clouds with our Lord. I ask, do they only look down or are they still with you in spirit? Miracles happen each and every day if only we slow down enough to pay attention. Click To Tweet When Jesus ascended to heaven, he promised the Holy Spirit would return in his place. A spirit that would guide us as we spread the gospel throughout the world. How can this Holy Spirit spread amongst all of us, to each end of the earth? What if the Holy Spirit came down and touched each of us through our baptism and stayed with us. The Holy Spirit transformed and transfigured into the angels of our loved ones. When you speak the words, your mother used to say or do something only your grandfather could have done. Perhaps it’s the simple smile of a baby reflecting the eyes of one you lost too soon. Or a moment that feels familiar, and safe as if […]

Touched by the Holy Spirit

As Christians we travel through life guided and touched by the Holy Spirit. Or are we? We thrive in life through our flesh rather than being guided by the light. We profess that we believe, but do you? Last weekend I spent getting my world shattered. I know I am broken, we all are to some extent. But when you have your brokenness laid out before you and are called to look it straight in the eye. How would you react? Sure I read my Bible, go to Church, tithe and “act Christian.” As many do I wear the t-shirts, preach the gospel. But that is not enough. I might as well be a heathen. I hide my sins, my pain and scars. Thinking that there is no way God would ever forgive a wretch like me. Holding onto years of anger and bitterness only drives the nails in deeper. Living in darkness becomes easy. “Let’s ask ourselves: are we open to the Holy Spirit, do I pray to him to enlighten me, to make me more sensitive to the things of God?” ~ Pope Francis Knees bruising from the weight of by burdened soul. I knelt down for what seemed like forever. For the first time in my life, I felt home. Home among thousands, yet the Holy Spirit chose me to be the one. Touched by the light, His fire and spirit burned from inside me. Crying like a small child, I asked for forgiveness. Relieve me from the pain of this darkness. Bring me from the […]