SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Don’t drop your pants! Get a Mission Belt (Review)

Anyone that travels outside of their home will find people with saggy pants these days. It is as if ill-fitting pants around the knees are a new trend. With the Mission Belt, there is no longer an excuse for pants that do not fit.           I know what you are thinking, what could be special about a belt? All belts are all made the same, so many sizes, just none of them yours right? If you are like me, you don’t want to poke any more holes in your belts to make them fit. Rather than strangling your midline with an ill-fitting belt you would rather go without one. The days of constantly pulling your pants up are over. Introducing the Mission Belt, the belt that is making a difference. No more holes, no more too tight or too loose straps. Whether you are having a thin day or a roomier one, the same belt will fit. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for the day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” A lot of people know how to fish; they just can’t afford the nets. Mission Belt was featured on ABC’s Shark Tank in 2013 and after a successful pitch we’ve expanded into over 1000 retail locations and have introduced many new styles including licensed products for NBA, NCAA, and NHL, as well as Nylon and Leather. They also offer a custom program, so that companies, events, or individuals can get a unique buckle with their logo or […]

Think You Know How to Get a Close Shave (Review)

There is something visceral about having a razor scrape clean across your neck as you get a close shave. Leaving the skin smooth as butter, yet one slip and imminent death. It used to be that men would go to the local barbershop for a shave. Putting our trust in another man as he puts a straight razor to your neck took courage. One slip and your jugular would become exposed. All you have to do is watch most any old western to see what I mean. Recently I came across a product made here locally in Jacksonville that gives a similar type shave. I shave normally alternating between my electric razor and a disposable depending on the kind of shave I want. One thing about disposables I took for granted was the shaving cream I used. I looked for the cost efficient way of keeping things clean. That is until now. I was at the Riverside Arts Market a couple of Saturdays ago. As I perused the usual wares of homemade items, produce and mostly goods geared towards women. I stumbled across a merchant tents that caught my eye. Mancanics, shaving products for men. A bit skeptical I stepped in under their tent and looked around. After spending several minutes talking to the founder Corey and learning about his line of masculine goods. He educated me on the importance of the proper blend of ingredients, such as essential oils that went into making his line of products. I left the market with some all […]