SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

OtterBox Symmetry Innovation and Protection

A couple of months ago I wrote about the next big thing being here. When you buy the next big thing usually you want to protect it.

Whether it be a shiny new Mac, A new car or in this case a new phone, protection is key. Sure they come with warranties and you can buy insurance that many times is just for peace of mind. Sometimes that is just not enough. Depending on the item sometimes it takes the work of otters to protect your purchase.

The day I bought my Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge I gave up some protection. Although I had a lifetime replacement warranty on the protection of my old S3. That protection was not transferable. The day the edge came out the case options were very limited. I mean sure I could have bought some knock off brand and run the risk of loss of functionality, or worse inadequate protection. I settled for a flip cover made by Samsung for the Edge.

Being that the case was made by Samsung for Samsung gave me some comfort, just not otter-ably preferable. After a few weeks of using the case and a couple of drops, I become aware of the comfort I was missing. I contacted OtterBox to inquire about whether the Otters were designing a case for the S6 Edge. To my dismay I was told due to the curved technology of the Edge it was unlikely.

Hurt and frustrated I began my search for a OtterBox alternative. There were many

The Next Big Thing is Here

So I am sure you have heard by now about the ‘Next Big Thing’ that was coming to stores near you this month.

I decided to bite and look into the new Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge with my phone carrier T-Mobile. The phone officially hits their shelves today. I like many people did not wait and ran to the nearest store last weekend to pre-order mine. I have now had mine in my hands for a couple of days now. All I can really say is, I am glad I did not wait!

Keeping in mind that I upgraded using the JUMP program with T-Mobile, moving from the Galaxy S3 to the S6 Edge was a leap. Now I will say that the appearance of the G6 Edge is like night and day in comparison. It is sleek and responsive, and although the phone is bigger it does not feel bulky. One beautiful feature that made the transfer virtually flawless was using the Samsung Smart Switch App. By turning the NFC on for both phones and tapping the backs together they synced and transferred the files from my S3 to the S6 via Bluetooth flawlessly.

Obviously comparisons will vary depending on what kind of phone you currently have. However I did show it to an apple iPhone user and his first response was ‘Oh wow’. Also showed it to a couple of other people who have different makes and they too were keenly interested. I will say personally the fast responsive interface and the capability