SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

2015 Reader Survey Results as Provided by You

Let me just start out by saying, my readers are incredible. I am truly blown away and humbled by the responses to my annual reader survey. The survey results are in and I would like to share some of the thoughts with you. Those of you that took the time to answer know what was up for grabs, the prize package and the winner of the prize package will be announced later in this post. Before we get to all that excitement, let me share some of the awesome things you guys and gals said that will help me mold the 2016 blogging year. For time and well consideration for you, my readers I will be providing only some of the comments as well as some interesting statistics. So here we go, for the 2015 Reader Survey Results as provided by you. What is the gender of my readers? This was a close one Female 52.63% Male 47.37 How often do you visit SecondIron’s Blog? Every time I receive the email from subscription -23.08% Whenever I get around to it -10.26% Every once in a while but not regularly – 41.03% This is my first time just to join the contest -17.95% Only when a topic is of interest -7.69% What would you like to see changed in 2016 for SecondIron’s Blog? Leadership posts for a slightly younger audience. Content geared toward men. Catholic perspective on things. More personality. More faith-filled, God inspired prayers that have been answered. Something you could do without? Less super-Catholic posts […]

I Could Use Your Help! 2015 Reader Survey and Giveaway

2015 has been an incredible year for me and hopefully you as well. As the year winds down I count the blessings that I have been able to share with you. I have been blessed by our conversations and humbled to have been your servant of words this past year. I have shared my ups and downs, opinions and reviews and you have all stood by my ramblings. Your contributions in the form of comments as well as sharing the conversations with others has been an incredible experience. SecondIron’s Blog just reached a huge milestone of being in existence two years! Almost two hundred posts so far it has been quite a journey, none of which could happen without you! Those of you that have been with me since the beginning, and those that have come across my musings in the numerous groups and social media outlets, as well as those that may be reading this blog for the first time, to all of you THANK YOU! I have put together a brief 10-question survey for you to help me to provide more valuable content in the upcoming year. 2016 is already mapping out to be an exciting year of changes.  The survey will provide you an opportunity to have a voice, each and every survey (no matter how many or how lengthy the answers) will be read diligently by me personally. I value each and every one of you as my readers and in turn value your thoughts and feedback. In return for the […]

2015 Survey Question Results Revealed

A few weeks ago I had asked my readers to provide some feedback on my blog. In creating a ten question survey I was able to get a good idea of what my readers wanted. This feedback will help me shape the blog and provide content of value. I hope you find this information of value as well and I invite you to share your insight as well. Question 1 – What is your age? This question is helpful in knowing what age group usually reads the content. 26.92% 45-54 19.23% 35-44 19.23% 25-34 15.38% 55-64 11.54% 18-24 7.69% 65-74 Question 2 – Are you male or female? 68% Male, 32% female Question 3 – How often do you read my blog? 61.54% First Time Visitors 11.54% Every Now and then 15.38 1-2 Times a month 7.69% Every time there is a new post 3.85% 2-3 times a week I would likely combine the last 2 as I generally blog 2-3 times a week. If you subscribe you will get notified of new content. Question 4 – Are you a subscriber? 84% No 16% Yes – Makes one wonder with so many that read it what keeps them from subscribing? Question 5 – How likely is it that you would recommend SecondIron’s Blog to a friend or colleague? 74% detractor, 17% passive and 9% promoters for a net promoter score of -65. Need to improve content of value to be more sharable. Question 6 – What Topics Interest You the most? Leadership 57.69% Tips and […]