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When Will You Go “Tell Someone?”

We are all called to be the hands and feet of Jesus; we are called to be disciples. We are commissioned to tell someone and share the good news. So when will you tell someone?

This is the question that author and world-renowned pastor Greg Laurie addressed in his recently released book “Tell Someone, You Can Share the Good News.” (Please note, affiliate links follow. Your support is greatly appreciated!)

Tell Someone You Can Share the Good News

I have been longing for a way to share the gospel with others. Discipleship in and of itself it something that many churches preach on. Yet they never break it down on the ‘how” or better yet the “why.” In this book by Greg, he breaks down the barriers by sharing his personal experiences. Experiences that were both from his successes and failures. He examines these events and aligns them with biblical teachings that anyone can use in their daily life.

I found myself being able to relate to Greg’s story, his failures and upbringing were ones I could relate to personally. He walks us through his childhood, his story where he was not supposed to amount too much or perhaps even be. He shares stories with humor and raw honesty that anyone of any faith could relate to in their own lives.

The author dives into how sharing begins with caring for your fellow man, not just in your family or neighborhood but everywhere. He talks about how when he first was introduced to Christ. He like many people tried to hide his new-found way of living. He ran with the wrong crowd growing up, and many would just not understand or accept someone carrying around a Bible. Although he was a newly commissioned Christian, he like many did not know exactly what that would mean.

Greg dove into a subject that is something I struggle with in my walk with Christ. I reflected on my story when we are called to be disciples; we are asked to share the gospel. To share the gospel, we must first own our story and in doing so, we learn our testimony that all points to Him. At the end of the day being an evangelical disciple, it is not about us sharing the gospel. It is about us sharing our story and pointing other people to Christ through our weakness. Our testimony is not about us, it is all about Him.

I thoroughly enjoyed this short but powerful read by Greg Laurie. I would recommend Tell Someone to anyone that is struggling with defining their walk with Christ. As well as those developing their own testimony. It is also a great book to reassure that you can be broken, messed up and still make a difference.


About Charles Johnston

Charles is a Christian, husband and father of fur-kids who shares his walk with others in hopes to help other's along the way.

One Reply

  1. Candace Crosby

    Very well written and a great analogy of sharing our life experiences to bring someone to the Lord. There was a program called Christ Renews His Parish (CHRP) that was very instrumental in bringing people together, and I understand there are many others, such as Cursillo, Marriage Encounter, etc. The secret is turning to God in our weaknesses, as you so aptly pointed out.

    Love to read your blogs ~ keep up the good work.