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So You Want to Speak in Public? It’s Time to Get Picked!

With all the noise out there it can sometimes be hard to get noticed. Especially if you want to get picked to speak in public.

Public speaking for some is well terrifying, to say the least. Rated among the top of things that people are scared of the most. A new book, Get Picked: Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Creating Irresistible Speaker Proposals perhaps your fears will not be a much of a challenge. The official launch date of Get Picked by Aurora Gregory and David Pitlik is on June 28th.

get picked to speakI have spoken publicly over the years in front of various audiences. I spent years as a deejay talking on a microphone at dozens of weddings, parties, and nightclubs. I decided to share my story and testimony in front of strangers at a gala. I also participated in a panel discussion recently on stage in front of a group of entrepreneurs. No matter the audience or venue, I wish I had known what it took to get picked and stick out as well as have more success with my speaker proposals. Get Picked is the resource I have been unknowingly looking for and thrilled to have found.

Public speakers can be like anything else; you must rise above the crowd and stick out above the rest to get picked. This book is full of techniques and ways to get speaking gigs that are perfect for you and your niche. Everyone has a story to share or something they are an expert at doing. Get Picked will guide you through the process of finding speaking engagements as well as how to get noticed in a noisy world.

I think the book possessed a balance between common sense and perceptive takeaways. Both of which made me reevaluate my approach to booking speaking engagements. In fact, I have put all my engagements on a brief hiatus as I work through the steps contained in this book. I believe in doing so I will gain the confidence and skills to speak in public and create proposals that will raise my brand above the rest.

You will find topics like the following…

  • How to find the conferences and events you want actually to speak at and how to get picked.
  • Steps to formulate your speaking proposal.
  • Tips and techniques on crafting a winning speaking presentation.
  • What to do after you speak, thank-you notes, repurposing and more.
  • Resources including actual proposal templates and much more.

Get Picked is one of those books which happened to have impeccable timing for me as I am currently expanding my brand to include public speaking. It is one of those books that will not only rest on the bookshelf as it will be one for reference for many years to come.

If you are…

  • A professional building your personal brand to be noticed within your industry as a thought leader.
  • An entrepreneur who is wanting to expand your brand and social influence as you share your products or services.
  • A speechwriter responsible for creating the image for your company and it’s marketing model.
  • Someone with a story to share whether it be a hobby or heartfelt passion that the world needs to hear.

Then this book is for you!

You might be thinking that this does not apply to you because you are not looking to step out on the big stage of public speaking. I believe that no matter what walk of life you may come from you will benefit. Whether a teacher, entrepreneur, nonprofit or cubicle dweller you can all enjoy the tips and techniques provided in Get Picked.

Speaking is part of our daily life, having the right tools to succeed can make all the difference. Whether you want to speak from the big stage or even just in business meetings or small groups. Pick up a copy of Get Picked today for yourself or anyone you might know who will benefit rising above all the noise. For more information and other surprises check out as well.

About Charles Johnston

Charles is a Christian, husband and father of fur-kids who shares his walk with others in hopes to help other's along the way.

5 Replies

  1. Candace Crosby

    Very informative email, but well….yes, I am one who is terrified of speaking in public. I made it through speech class at FCCJ years ago, but it was not an easy course for me. Glad to see you have mastered that quality!

    1. It takes practice to master. I really wish this book existed years ago. With future speaking engagements I cannot wait to use the tips and tricks contained in this great resource. I would recommend it to anyone, speaker or not.

  2. Charles, thank you so much for your gracious review. Public speaking can really grow your career, boost your business and move your message unlike anything else. Hoping you and your readers use the book to land speaking spots to help you reach your goals!

    1. Thank you for writing such a valued resource that I am sure all your readers will enjoy. Thank you and David for all the hard work you put into creating Get Picked.

  3. Hey, that’s a clever way of thinking about it.