SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Why Finding Your Calling is Better

As leaders many of us work for a living. We follow the career path that we chose. The thing is people change. What we loved to do twenty years ago, we may no longer feel called to do.
Many of us make our career our calling, yet finding your calling is so much better. It is in this that we find the peace that has been promised to us.
We strive to climb the corporate ladder and increase our pay, for what? To find ourselves chained to our desks for years? I don’t think so, better yet I know that we are meant for more. Each one of us has been marked with a calling. We were chosen and just need to find what that calling is and practice.
“Therefore, bretheren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble;” ~ 2 Peter 1:10
Our calling has been chosen for us. Biblically we have been instructed to work hard at our calling. It does not say be “diligent to make certain the career He has chosen.” It states simply to be “diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you.” You have been chosen and called to do great things.
Finding your calling can be a bit of a challenge. It involves tuning into your inner “voice”.
What are you good at? Where do you excel in life. What makes you happy? Leaves you with a feeling of satisfaction or fulfillment.

4 Lessons Learned from Hiring a Plumber

As men we like to fix things. Whether we really can or not we like the challenge. It gives us purpose. A reason for breathing.
The other day I decided to take on fixing a wobbly toilet. This is not a task for the feeble minded. First as a guy getting in and around nether-region splatter is well not my cup of tea. No matter how much of a germaphobe I am. The residue of visitors and guests lingers.
Our house is one of those houses where nothing is as easy as it seems. What should have been just a matter of tightening some screws or maybe adding a shim. Turned into an all day ordeal.

From a broken cast iron flange, failing from age. Then snapping a brittle connecting hose. I was not going to give in easily to this porcelain giant. Hammering and chiseling my way into oblivion. Defeat was not an option, at first.
A couple futile trips to Home Depot and ad-mist frustration. Do I throw in the towel, have I made things worse? Guys don’t ask for directions much less any help. Battered and broken the room a bit more so. Frustrated that I made things worse. Maybe I should have just called the plumber first off I guess.
So I gave in and put up the white flag of surrender. I called in reinforcements and had the experts come out.
When the plumber got to the house

Please take my first 2015 annual Blog Survey

Blessed SecondIron Readers, I am humbly coming to you to ask for your honest feedback on SecondIron’s Blog, so that I may serve you better. In order for me to serve you better, we need to get to know one another a bit. By learning your interests and style will allow me to provide relevant content over the upcoming year. In order for us to have this conversation I have created this 2015 Annual Blog Survey. I wish we could meet over a nice cup of java and chat awhile (option open to anyone that would like to stop by my hometown). In the meantime a few questions and a couple of minutes of your time will help out immensely. SecondIron’s Blog has been around for just over a year and a hundred or so posts. In that time I have shared some of my faith walk, books reviews, movies and more. In order to ensure that I continue providing the information and content you want our little chat will be valuable. The results are anonymous so please be honest as the community can only improve if we are all in the discussion. Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts, filling out the quick survey and that cup of coffee if you so choose (my treat). Best regards and blessings, Charles Johnston