SecondIron's Blog

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5 Ways to Find Restful Sleep as an Entrepreneur

Being able to rest at night helps to get each day off to a good start. Many of us however could sleep better (not necessarily longer for as hustlers sleep comes later). By adding a few simple tasks to your already busy routine before going to sleep your mind will be able to find rest. Rest is vital to replenish our minds and spirit. In order to maintain our health we must find ways to rest and recover. As an entrepreneur our schedules are packed with meetings, video chats, coaching calls and more. We are constantly on the go and many of us burn the candle at both ends. Sleep is one of those luxuries we just cannot afford if we are really chasing after our dreams. At times our bodies need rest and we must stop and find sleep. Here are some quick tips on getting the most out of that time, as we like to squeeze as much time out of every hour as it is. 5 Ways to Find Restful Sleep as an Entrepreneur Turn off your phone – I know before you just stop reading after that crazy talk hear me out.  We are all so addicted to emails, texts, tweets and Facebook updates that our eyes are glued to our phones. By turning off your phone or even just leaving it in another room for 45 to 60 minutes before bed it allows your mind time to disconnect. Leaving it on in your room, even on silent does not count […]

Year in Review (Top 9 Posts of 2014)

Over the past year I have taken my readers through a varied journey. We have traveled from middle earth, to the gridiron and beyond. I have shared stories with the homeless, both pets and people. We have set goals, shared tips and grown together through the year. It is my honor to share this year in review with you. As the New year closes in I wanted to share some highlights of 2014. These are a handful of 90+ posts from the past year. Of these posts they have been read in over 80 countries from around the world. Thousands of readers like you have encouraged me over the past year to continue to write. First and foremost ‘Thank You’ to each and every one of you, without you there would be no year in review. Here are the top nine posts determined by count of readers like you. I look forward to continuing to serve and share with you in 2015. 1. Dreams Fail when we Procrastinate:  Dreams fail when we procrastinate and wait for the right time to come to decide. Failed again, yep that’s right that really good deal that would change everything, well you missed it. Dragged my feet thinking I would do it tomorrow, yet tomorrow is here and the deal is gone. As dreamer I think the saying goes “if you build they will come”, not just because you thought about it will it happen. read more   2. Why Men are Leaving Church Church leaders everywhere are scrambling to […]

10 Leadership Quotes

I am an avid reader of books especially those that have leadership quotes that are of benefit to myself and those around me.  Generally my book choices consist of motivational, self-help, faith-based and leadership.  Sometimes the books consist of all of these and more.  When reading I look for great original quotes that I can journal as well as share with others.  photo credit: marierleslie via photopin cc    Here are 10 Leadership Quotes from books recently read. People lose their way when they lose their why. Conversely, people find their way when they connect with their why. – Michael Hyatt @MichaelHyatt Click To Tweet Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. -Og Mandino @theoggroup Click To Tweet Change is your friend not your foe, change is a brilliant opportunity to grow. – Simon T. Bailey @SimonTBailey Click To Tweet Leadership is not just about what you do but what you can inspire, encourage and empower others to do. – Jon Gordon @JonGordon11 Click To Tweet You don’t need a plan; you just need to be present. – Bob Goff @BobGoff Click To Tweet Praise without specifics can be worse than no praise at all. – Joel Manby @JoelManby Click To Tweet Wake up and write. It doesn’t matter what it is, just write whatever comes to mind. – Jeffrey Gitomer @Gitomer Click To Tweet Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good – Malcolm Gladwell Click To Tweet […]