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Chosen For Purpose – A Book Review

Chosen for Purpose: Overcoming Giants and Living Your Dreams written by Danya Bickham is the recently released book from the author of ‘No More Lies‘. The anticipated new release Chosen for Purpose is written especially for those that are trying to figure out their dreams and purpose. Written using the scriptures and story of David at its’ core Chosen for Purpose takes us on a transformational journey. This journey includes: Understanding the Role of Your Personality Individual Identity versus Tribal Identity The Value of Battles Reconciling Your Past to Press Into Your Future Building the Skills it Takes to Overcome Giants Learning to Dream Again and more… Danya digs into the Biblical story of David in a way that goes beyond the common story of David and Goliath that we all know. We all are faced with challenges and hurdles in our lives that can be giants in our path that deter, detract and at times derail us from our purpose. She takes us through the journey of David from being the young shepherd boy to the hero that we all have read about to the leader hiding in caves that others follow because his purpose was chosen for him.

Four Parts of Leadership and the Games We Play

As men we have been given the task at birth to be great leaders of our time. Granted that sounds pretty daunting but in a manner of speaking it is true.  As men we are molded from a young age to have proper leadership skills to take through life.  Do you really think G.I. Joes, the game Clue, Magic 8-balls, Lego’s, Lincoln Logs and Monopoly had no bearing on the type of person you would become? All of these things as well as cub scouts, boy scouts, summer camps, team sports continued to mold our adolescence into our years as men and as leaders.  Using knot tying skills and archery to provide the foundation to decision-making and goal driven leadership. There are four components that make up LEAD in leadership, all of which are vital to success as a leader. Leadership – take ownership and lead both in our homes, at our church and within the community including at our workplace exemplifying the moral character of leaders of past.  Take lessons from the likes of John Wayne or Charlton Heston as to what a man should be.  Lead with integrity, passion and raw courage every day of our lives. Use the skills of developed in reading Marvel and D.C. Comics, there was always a hero that lead . “All battles are fought by scared men who’d rather be some place else.” – John Wayne Click To Tweet Evaluate – always be prepared to take a step back and evaluate, reorganize and re-engage.  As men we are generally thinkers […]

What are 5 ways you can guard your reading

What to do when you read something that angers you. Eventually you will, if you have not already read something that get’s you fired up. It may be an article on bad behavior, poor politics, or some other form of moral indecency that gets you riled up. There is good news on how to handle these situations, you no longer have to succumb to the moral indignation that society forces upon us. Here some steps on guarding what you read, possibly make a difference and recover your day from reading something horrible. 1.) Position -Put yourself in the position, would you have handled things differently? Rewrite the story in your mind with a better ending. 2.) Research – Read the article, are the facts true, is there something you can do to make a change? If there is then create a plan and act to turn the tide. 3.) Recover – Read something upbeat, positive and inspirational, that way the fresh memories in your mind are pleasant and comforting. 4.) Talk – We tend to dwell and complain, and focus on the negatives. There are many others that think just the way that you do and can be a great resource and sounding board to discuss both good and bad writings. 5.) Focus – Spend time with the good news there is plenty of garbage out there as that is what sells. Change your reading habits, get away from the headlines, start improving your mind rather than infesting it. We all know that bad news […]