SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

The Prosperous Shall Be Diligent

Today’s Post is by a guest blogger Melissa who will discuss how though diligence she became prosperous, join me and welcoming her. Melissa is the Founder and CEO of Melissa the Coach, Financial Coaching.  She is a wife, mom, dog rescuer, sports junkie and blogger.   Her passion is helping others learn that money no longer has to be the thing that stands in the way of pursuing a dream.  Visit for more information. Also she can be found on Social Media: Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook. For years I have always heard the words, “the diligent prosper”.  To be diligent is to stay focused, to stay on task, to keep course.   When we do that, we “prosper” in whatever task we were trying to accomplish.  Sounds easy, right? Well, maybe being diligent to be prosperous is easier than remaining diligent once we prosper. Proverbs 10:4-5 4Poor is he who works with a negligent hand,             But the hand of the diligent makes rich.       5He who gathers in summer is a son who acts wisely,             But he who sleeps in harvest is a son who acts shamefully. (New American Standard Bible) Verse 4 is more about “the diligent prosper” – stay focused on the task at hand and you will prosper. Verse 5, specifically the second part of that, is interesting in context – “he who sleeps in the harvest acts shamefully” Does that mean that once I become prosperous because I was diligent that it’s not OK to rest? I think so.  Because, once we lose focus, we run the risk of losing everything you have […]

How Scrivener Helped Me Win My First NanoWrimo

For some you may be thinking what the heck is Scrivener, better yet what is NanoWrimo. As a writer they are indispensable ways to write your first novel or even fiftieth. Let me start by saying I am tired, worn out and whooped from competing in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)  a writing competition the entire month of November. I had to rely on some incredible bloggers to guest blog for me over the month as I wrote my first novel. OK well sort of novel, I wrote 50,350 words in a month and compiled it into a story. Is it finished? Not really, it is 50k more words written of my first novel than I would have had if I did not participate.  I struggled through fear, extreme mood swings, emotional turmoil and sheer exhaustion yet I kept writing. I wrote in the morning, lunchtime and night, words consumed me for days on end. I had been told for years that I needed to tell my story, I cannot claim the words I wrote to be my story per se, yet they are fiction inspired and based on truth like many books would be better to claim to be. Whether the work actually will make it to print remains to be seen, at least for public consumption. However without Scrivener it is quite likely is simply would be a bunch of words making little real sense. I purchased a license to Scrivener and even became an affiliate as I felt the software was made […]

The Top 5 Reasons To Keep A Journal (Guest Post)

In recent years, the art of journaling is making a resurgence into people’s daily lives.  No longer is it a pastime just for children or artistic types, now journals are becoming a popular tool for people to use in different ways. But if you are trying to figure out if a journal would be a good tool for you, here are the top five reasons I have found to keep a journal. The memories you make you will be able to remember. You will be amazed as you record your daily life how things progress over time.  Your daily routine may look very different years from now.  Relationships that are new today may grow in ways you never imagined in the future.  You can see how your priorities change and how your goals play out in life.  Plus, the simple moments in life that we tend to forget about, such as morning walks or jokes told at dinner, can bring a smile to your face when you read about them again years from now. You will be surprised as what you ‘say’ when you start to write your thoughts on paper. The process of writing out your thoughts freely in a journal, not stopping to ‘edit’ your words, is an incredible tool for thinking things through.  Not only is it useful for venting about your troubles, it is a great tool for getting your ideas on paper so that you can find a solution and plan for what to do next.  This process brings clarity, […]