SecondIron's Blog

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5 Ways to Find Restful Sleep as an Entrepreneur

Being able to rest at night helps to get each day off to a good start. Many of us however could sleep better (not necessarily longer for as hustlers sleep comes later). By adding a few simple tasks to your already busy routine before going to sleep your mind will be able to find rest. Rest is vital to replenish our minds and spirit. In order to maintain our health we must find ways to rest and recover. As an entrepreneur our schedules are packed with meetings, video chats, coaching calls and more. We are constantly on the go and many of us burn the candle at both ends. Sleep is one of those luxuries we just cannot afford if we are really chasing after our dreams. At times our bodies need rest and we must stop and find sleep. Here are some quick tips on getting the most out of that time, as we like to squeeze as much time out of every hour as it is. 5 Ways to Find Restful Sleep as an Entrepreneur Turn off your phone – I know before you just stop reading after that crazy talk hear me out.  We are all so addicted to emails, texts, tweets and Facebook updates that our eyes are glued to our phones. By turning off your phone or even just leaving it in another room for 45 to 60 minutes before bed it allows your mind time to disconnect. Leaving it on in your room, even on silent does not count […]

Ten Common Differences Between Leaders and Followers

Everywhere we turn we hear about traits of what real leadership is. Whether on our Internet feed, in magazines, or even on TV and the movies the misconceptions and differences between leaders and followers vary greatly. Sure you likely have a boss and assume being a leader comes with the title. Many of us confuse leadership with following the herd or maintaining the status quo. Real leaders have factors that differ them from the said herd and make people want to follow them. Let me break it down for you, here are a few ways: 1. A leader leads by example a follower depends on others. If there is not a set path a true leader will blaze new trails to reach their goals. A follower will remain idle until given explicit directives. 2. A leader depends on his courage, a follower struggles to find a spine. To lead others you must be decisive and willing to make the hard decisions. People want to follow those that command authority. Wishy washy leaders are usually followers in wolves clothing. 3. Leaders have enthusiasm and are ready to get the job done.  People are drawn to excitement and enthusiasm, a leader motivates and inspires their followers. Followers are more ho-hum with a slight Eyeore syndrome.  Someone who is a bore or slow to act will likely lose followers and rather follow instead. 4. Passion drives leaders farther than even their own expectations. Followers are rarely passionate about anything that would set them apart. When someone gives it their all and […]

How to Build a Rain Barrel – Urban Life (DIY)

A Rain Barrel is a great way to save a little cash, help the environment and even class up your house. Imagine how much water you could collect when for every 500 square feet of roof equals around 300 gallons of water for every inch of rain. That is a great deal of water that usually goes right down your downspout to one area of your yard, or worse your driveway, street or sidewalk. By using a rain barrel you can collect water to use on your plants, garden and lawn that would otherwise go to waste. Be sure to check with your local ordinances though, as states like Colorado and Nevada the use of rain barrels is illegal for one crazy reason or another. “A river is more than an amenity, it is a treasure.” ~ Justice Oliver Click To Tweet I will show you in a few easy steps how to build a rain barrel inexpensively and creatively. First you will need a few supplies, most of which you can find at your local hardware store. I purchased mine at Lowes and have provided the item numbers to make your shopping list easier. PVC 3/4″ x 1″ SCH 40 Slip and Thread Adapter – Lowe’s part #22695 made by Lasco (2 per barrel) PVC 3/4″ Elbow [Threaded] –  Lowe’s part #126822 made by Lasco (1 per barrel) 3/4″ quarter-turn brass Sillcock – Lowe’s part #248909 made by American Valve (1 per barrel) 1″ zinc flat washers -Lowe’s part #15012 made by Hillman (2 per barrel) You can purchase […]