SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

How The Life of a Virtual Assistant was Born – (Guest Post)

Today I am honored to have guest blogger Trivinia Barber as my host as she discusses how the life of a Virtual Assistant came about, and how she answered His call. I often wonder what it was that Simon-Peter and Andrew were thinking when a man they had never met before approached them and said, “Come follow me”. Without a second thought, they dropped their nets and went with him. It was several years ago when God spoke into the lives of my husband and me, directing us to care for His children. We ended up adopting a precious daughter, who needed intensive therapy, and extra time and care with us as her new family. While I know we “left our [safety] nets” to obey him in our call to adoption, our call to business wasn’t answered with the same trust. I had spent my time working part-time in my corporate office and part-time working from home. Around the same time we began to really understand the level of care our daughter required, my company was bought out and the new owners gave me a choice: work full-time from the office, or part ways. No matter how you look at it, life as I knew it was ending and there was a fork in the road of the path before me. Family comes first, and I made the obvious choice to care for them above a corporate commute. I began working solely from home. It wasn’t too long before the requests and demands for my services […]

5 Ways to Find Restful Sleep as an Entrepreneur

Being able to rest at night helps to get each day off to a good start. Many of us however could sleep better (not necessarily longer for as hustlers sleep comes later). By adding a few simple tasks to your already busy routine before going to sleep your mind will be able to find rest. Rest is vital to replenish our minds and spirit. In order to maintain our health we must find ways to rest and recover. As an entrepreneur our schedules are packed with meetings, video chats, coaching calls and more. We are constantly on the go and many of us burn the candle at both ends. Sleep is one of those luxuries we just cannot afford if we are really chasing after our dreams. At times our bodies need rest and we must stop and find sleep. Here are some quick tips on getting the most out of that time, as we like to squeeze as much time out of every hour as it is. 5 Ways to Find Restful Sleep as an Entrepreneur Turn off your phone – I know before you just stop reading after that crazy talk hear me out.  We are all so addicted to emails, texts, tweets and Facebook updates that our eyes are glued to our phones. By turning off your phone or even just leaving it in another room for 45 to 60 minutes before bed it allows your mind time to disconnect. Leaving it on in your room, even on silent does not count […]

Chew Chew Food Co. Food Truck

I am a fan of food trucks. They come in all shapes, sizes and delicacies. A food truck is a flavorful adventure on  wheels. The food you get on these mobile diners is full of creativity and dreams. Where else can a culinary artisan serve a different public every day without the expense of brick and mortar. Yesterday was an unusual day where I did not have my normal leftovers for lunch. Being in a city that has food trucks of all delicacies variety is often available.  I work in an area of town where most days a truck or two is nearby. Today was one such day. I looked up the JaxTruckies Facebook page to see where the trucks were for the day. A truck by the name of Chew Chew Food Co. was my featured dining establishment on wheels. I walked over a block to check them out. Upon arrival the truck parked alongside the empty street of EverBank Plaza was a cargo truck with a reddish paint job. I walked up to the window, curbside and perused the menu for the day on the chalkboard. Unique items like lobster corn dogs, Korean BBQ ShortRib Melts, Carnitas Burritos and more. This was not your average greasy diner on wheels. After a brief discussion with the gentleman in the window I settled for the General Tso’s Chicken Tacos. Sounded unusual enough with a flavor of safety. Where else will you find crispy chicken breast tossed in a house made General Tso’s sauce. Accompanied by Sesame […]