How The Life of a Virtual Assistant was Born – (Guest Post)
Today I am honored to have guest blogger Trivinia Barber as my host as she discusses how the life of a Virtual Assistant came about, and how she answered His call. I often wonder what it was that Simon-Peter and Andrew were thinking when a man they had never met before approached them and said, “Come follow me”. Without a second thought, they dropped their nets and went with him. It was several years ago when God spoke into the lives of my husband and me, directing us to care for His children. We ended up adopting a precious daughter, who needed intensive therapy, and extra time and care with us as her new family. While I know we “left our [safety] nets” to obey him in our call to adoption, our call to business wasn’t answered with the same trust. I had spent my time working part-time in my corporate office and part-time working from home. Around the same time we began to really understand the level of care our daughter required, my company was bought out and the new owners gave me a choice: work full-time from the office, or part ways. No matter how you look at it, life as I knew it was ending and there was a fork in the road of the path before me. Family comes first, and I made the obvious choice to care for them above a corporate commute. I began working solely from home. It wasn’t too long before the requests and demands for my services […]