SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

When You know it is Worth it

There are moments in life when you know it is Worth it. Ever have that moment of clarity that makes your struggle worthwhile? That moment when you are ready to throw in the towel and it happens. When you are full of self-doubt and prepared to quit. That is when He intercedes and puts someone or something in your path.  This is not another hurdle to leap over, this is the reminder that it’s all worth it. Those sleepless nights when you can’t shut your brain off are worth it. The conversations that you have with yourself are starting to make sense. The words that you are unable to speak, yet crave to give a voice to be heard. The audacious goals you set for yourself so long ago. These all make up the moments that I thought they may be a struggle, they and you are worth it. That sigh of relief when your car or credit card is paid off. That time when your art work is used to announce a marriage or a newborn. Maybe it is when you get sweaty palms and butterflies before your first TedX speech. Whatever level of expectation it is, it is worth it. Perhaps it is the time you use the story of David to bring others to Christ and to find their purpose. Or you create a pod cast that highlights the achievements of others. Or it is the time you shared your wisdom to help other bloggers become better beyond the posts they write. […]

Dreams Fail when we Procrastinate

Dreams fail when we procrastinate and wait for the right time to come to decide. Failed again, yep that’s right that really good deal that would change everything, well you missed it.  Dragged my feet thinking I would do it tomorrow, yet tomorrow is here and the deal is gone. As dreamer I think the saying goes “if you build they will come“, not just because you thought about it will it happen. As a blogger (whoa! still a little new to me) and an aspiring writer, there are deals that come our way everyday.  Once we sign up for someone’s newsletter we get the sales pitch many times too.  There is nothing wrong with this, actually I wholeheartedly support the entrepreneurial writer that wants to fund their dream.  Every once and awhile there are offers that arrive in our inbox that just cannot be missed. Those are the offers that inevitably will crush my dreams, as I am a procrastinator. If it can be put off until tomorrow, I am pretty sure it can wait until next week.  Just ask most guys how their honey-do-list is coming along, they will agree.  Sometimes this procrastination will turn into missed opportunities some of which you will kick yourself in the proverbial pants for weeks to come over. Sadly, I must confess my pants are pretty worn out as of late, two back to back opportunities and I chose to procrastinate. You see as a blogger, writer, author whatever the title, there are many people who are […]

5 Steps in Achieving Your Dreams

Ever over hear someone sharing their dream just to have someone else snuff it out before it even gets started? This happened to me and it got me to thinking, what would I do if someone stole my thunder and rained on my parade before the floats and balloons made it to the street.  I overheard a conversation between someone who I greatly respect and consider a mentor and a complete stranger.  She was pleading her case and what caught my attention was when she said “it just takes one spark, I am not sure why everyone is so quick to snuff it out.” Songs have been sung, books written, movies produced, even in my own city there is a now annual event