SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Steps to Unleashing the Warrior (Part 1)

This has taking some time to write as it took a while to marinate on all that happened in learning to become an unleashed warrior.  You see last weekend was one of those weekends every man should go through if they have the chance.  A word of warning though, you have to be open for it to mean anything. Open Heart? Open Mind? Great let’s go! Society is crumbling around us. Marriages are collapsing. Pornography is winning the battle for men’s minds. And our children are abandoning the Church. But there is hope. ~ Promise Keepers Let me set the stage a bit, picture a church, the Titus Harvest Dome in my home town having a line of men of all ages, races, backgrounds and locations chomping at the bit to get in to get their spirits and hearts filled and ultimately to unleash the warrior. Thousands of men from all over with Bibles in hand ready to spend two days opening up the word and breaking down barriers and becoming Promise Keepers and warriors. The doors opened shortly after 5 on Friday allowing the men inside to make their way to their seats for the event that was to start at 6 pm.  When the band took the stage at 6 it was obvious almost immediately that these men were here for a reason and were on a mission.  Imagine the area in front of the stage being filled by men dancing and singing at the top of their lungs to worship songs as […]

How Powerful a Man Who Prays

Will you pray for us? Many of us, especially men can find those words terrifying, I know I do.  You might ask why?  What is so difficult about praying?  You pray every day throughout the day not only on your bended  knees at night, but also whenever we want or need anything during our day. However whenever we are asked to pray over someone else, or prior to an event or just aloud we choke on our prayers and our throats go dry. It should come naturally with the words rolling off our tongue and yet we begin to get anxious and our palms start to sweat like we are getting ready to speak to thousands rather than just One.  We are humbled in prayer to ask of anything and our words become laden with the arid air of the desert as where the battle was won so many years ago. We are entangled in a battle of the mind against the heart every time we pray as we have the thoughts of inadequacy and the fear of a child asking for anything.  While we are told to pray unceasingly and that our prayers will be answered we still feel incapable and unworthy. The seeds of doubt and fear are planted within us at birth and we are forever burdened with the overcoming and the desire to battle in a war already won.  We allow naysayers to get into our minds and convince us that we are not worthy of Grace,  yet Grace was granted […]

We Are All Fishers of Men

We were all made to be fishers not only of the sea but fishers of men, we are set to cast our nets and pull in our brothers that have gotten lost at sea. We sit in the pews of our church’s looking for redemption, salvation and something to believe in. We are filled by the Holy Spirit and are on fire as we sing our praises to change the world.  As soon as service ends we rush  back out into the world and our fire passes as an adrenaline rush and we become numb. We sink back into our routines of yard work, school work, getting prepared for the work week, NASCAR or football on TV, whatever is on tap for our Sunday afternoon.   Our families are the only things we tend to pray for when we bend our knees that night in preparation of the new week.  Within hours the fire that was inside us has dulled to a mere glimmer, a spark to stoke just to keep lit until next Sunday. As men we were made for more than just being pew sitters on Sunday and then to cover up our faith with our ties and suits the rest of the week.   We tend to find that when we are around our co-workers, neighbors and friends